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Latin American certification gains momentum at the Brazilian Congress of Bariatric Surgery
The search for quality in bariatric and metabolic surgery was one of the main themes discussed during the XXI Brazilian Congress of...

How the Diabetic Surgery Summit contributed to define the protocols for the metabolic surgery again
Dr. Francesco Rubino took the stage again on the second day of the XXI Bariatric Surgery Congress to discuss the role of the Diabetic...

We’re not acting fast enough against diabetes and obesity
In a data packed panel, Dr. Steven Nissen showed how the consequences of not catching up to the obesity and diabetes epidemic are...

Results and conclusions of the STAMPEDE trial
The STAMPEDE trial is one of the most quoted by scholars that study the efficacy and safety of metabolic surgery in comparison to...

How is ASMBS spreading the awareness of the benefits of metabolic surgery to fight the surge of T2DM
In the 21 years since the first discovery of the benefits of bariatrics surgery to the control of diabetes, bigger and bigger strides...

Stigma and shame by medical professionals might be as damaging as as obesity itself
On the second day of the 2021 Brazilian Bariatric Surgery Congress, happening in São Paulo, Dr. Francesco Rubino made a powerful critic...

Bigger and better studies are essential for the evolution of metabolic surgery against T2DM and CVD
In his first panel in this year’s Brazilian Bariatric Surgery Congress, happening in São Paulo, Dr. Steven Nissen presented the latest...

New and strong hope of treatments for T2DM
Dr Francesco Rubino took the stage in the XXI Brazilian Bariatric Surgery Congress to evaluate the evolution of the use of RYGB as a...

New guidelines for the use of metabolic surgery as a diabetes treatment
In the first afternoon of the XXI Brazilian Bariatric Surgery Congress, happening in São Paulo, this year's participants were able to...

The time to have a less conservative approach to the current obesity treatment is now
In his lecture in this year’s Brazilian Bariatric Surgery Congress, Dr Karl Miller stated the importance that a more modern medical and...
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