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The surge in obesity in Brazil is the main focus on this year’s Brazilian Bariatric Surgery Congress

The surge on the numbers of obesity in Brazil - especially after the COVID-19 pandemic - and the new treatments to bring back quality of life for people suffering from overweight and associated diseases will be the main theme of theses years discussions in the 2021 Brazilian Bariatric Surgery Congress, happening in São Paulo from November 11th to the 13th.

More than 1.500 surgeons and other health professionals, such as nutritionists, nutrologists, physiotherapists, physical education professionals, psychologists and psychiatrists will be present in this year's congress, organized by the Brazilian Society of Bariatric and Metabolic Surgery (SBCBM).

Fábio Viegas, current president of SBCBM, says that this year congress - the worlds biggest edition with a live audience since all the 2020 events were cancelled due to the pandemic- will be fundamental to debate new strategies in the care for obese patients.

Scientific updates - New protocols for patient care, safer treatment strategies and ways to facilitate the practices in the public health system will be some of the main topics of this XXI Bariatric Surgery Congress.

More than 280 speakers - including national and international guest- will be heading in these years lectures, debates and workshops.

“Our main goal is to get our attendees up to speed in the latest scientific updates in how to get the best results in bariatric and metabolic surgeries” said SBCBM president Marcos Leão Vilas Boas.

For this year's congress, the SBCBM prepared a special course on Management and Trends in Bariatric Surgery, the first symposium on robotic surgery and a special panel in the wew Frontiers in the Treatment of Type 2 Diabetes with representatives of organizations that deal directly with patients with the disease.

“Our focus in this three days event is to educate our peers in bariatric and metabolic surgery and the union of different specialties involved in the treatment of obesity", says the president of the Scientific Committee of the Congress, Antônio Carlos Valezi.


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