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Indian NBEMS to include bariatric surgery as a part of curriculum
The National Examination Board in Medical Sciences (NBEMS) in India has decided to include bariatric surgery as a part of its curriculum....

Lumen-apposing metal stenting effective in resolving post-RYGB strictures
Lumen-apposing metal stenting (LAMS) appears to be effective in preventing multiple procedures for resolution of strictures and increase...

German bariatric surgery services are diverse and varied
Bariatric surgery services are in Germany are diverse and varied for both pre- and post-operative care, according to a small study by...

GENEVA study: Bariatric surgery can be performed safely during the COVID-19 pandemic
Bariatric surgery can be performed safely during the COVID-19 pandemic with appropriate perioperative protocols, according to the...

BMI as a risk factor for T2DM varies throughout the world
The unprecedented increase in overweight and obesity in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs) has led to an alarming rise in diabetes...

Cuts to children's support centres linked to raise in childhood obesity
Spending cuts to children's support centres (Sure Start) in England have been associated with thousands more children having obesity over...

England: Hospital admissions for obesity increase of 23%
NHS Digital has published a report - ‘Statistics on Obesity, Physical Activity and Diet, England, 2020’ – has revealed that in 2018/19...

Western diet increases risk of gut inflammation, infection and IBD
Eating a Western diet impairs the immune system in the gut in ways that could increase risk of infection and inflammatory bowel disease,...

Dispelling LAP-BAND Myths
At the recent XXIV IFSO World Congress in Madrid, Spain, Professors Jean-Marc Chevallier (Bariatric Surgeon at Hospital European Georges...
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